Gaza turns Israeli bombs into Art

How do Palestinians keep going on, with israel being there and stuff?

Well, ever heard of Palestine’s special talent for life? Here it is. Palestinians turning into art Israeli bombs and missiles. For a while I could not trace the artists but finally I managed to get hold of 2 of them. Tawfik Gebreel. Contact: twitter  and Bushra Shanan: Contact them for more.




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16 thoughts on “Gaza turns Israeli bombs into Art

  1. Pingback: Palestine turns Israeli bombs into art | Mondoweiss

  2. Pingback: Palestine turns Israeli bombs into art (Updated) | WebInvestigatorKK

  3. Pingback: Palestine turns Israeli bombs into art  |  SHOAH

  4. Reblogged this on Open Jotter and commented:
    I like this. It’s kind of the ultimate in creative defiance. It’s still a disgrace that the source material for these pictures exists though. #GazaUnderAttack #GazaArt

  5. People who can rise above their abject condition can rise and survive. Prisoners who have very good imaginations can survive solitary confinement of the very worse. Israel have no chance over these people. Furthermore, the Isreali practice abortion and do not value live.

  6. Pingback: A Cloud Reflecting Life | Arab Arts Blog

  7. Pingback: Gaza Turns Bombs Into Works Of Art: The 2014 Guernica?

  8. Pingback: Des artistes palestiniens transforment la fumée de Gaza en œuvre d'art

  9. We (Everyone/International) Have 2 Days to Fill UNICEF with Our Art For Palestinian Children! You know that being an artist or not, or winning or loosing is not the point. The sooner the better to show compassion and concern from many participants. “The theme of the competition, which will be held for the first time this year, is determined as “Children and International Peace” and the results will be announced on the 1st of September 2014, the World Peace Day.”

  10. May God Bless !! May Justice and a Just Peace prevail in our life time before the malnourished children of the 1.8 million Palestinians deprived of education , water ,food and human kindness bewcome the leaders in their own miserable world devoid of mercy.

  11. God and Allah bless these artists. If the people and especially politicians of the world are not moved then they lack any humanity. These examples should be sent to obama and american politicians to be mounted in the white house as reminders of their policies, especially their criminal support of israel. history will judge both america and israel. please create more and make available to world. thank you, thank you!

  12. Reblogged this on leevinghome and commented:
    It’s amazing that folks living this can turn something so heart breaking and disgusting into something that makes you pause and think for a whole different reason.

  13. Pingback: ‘We Love Gaza’ – The Documentary | Rehmat's World

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